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Fall Letter 2024

MADFES DERMATOLOGY & AESTHETICS GROUP One East Sixty-Ninth Street New York, NY 10021 P 212.249.8118 Dear Patient, As we enter Fall, it is a wonderful time to visit the office....

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What's New Remove Aging Skin Without Surgery!

Introducing Ellacor® – the first and only FDA-approved fractional micro-coring device that removes excess skin to improve skin laxity! A small gauge needling device is used to create tiny punches in the skin that remove small columns of tissues. The Ellacor device helps to tighten and diminish the appearance of wrinkles and the treated area without surgery. After the skin is removed, the microscopic cores of sagging skin will heal without evidence of incisions or scarring as the skin begins to re-align and close the cores. During the body’s natural healing process, collagen production increases to help smooth and correct laxity, producing natural-looking results.

The treatment typically takes about 30 minutes or less (a series of three procedures spaced approximately 30 days apart is recommended). Numbing cream is applied to the treatment area 1 hour prior to the appointment time to make the treatment more comfortable. Studies have been shown to remove 8% of excess skin from treated areas. Results of lifting are noticeable within 2-3 weeks and with full results 3-6 months after the final treatment.

Please call our office at 212-249-8118 to schedule your consultation!