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Fall Letter 2024

MADFES DERMATOLOGY & AESTHETICS GROUP One East Sixty-Ninth Street New York, NY 10021 P 212.249.8118 Dear Patient, As we enter Fall, it is a wonderful time to visit the office....

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What's New Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™ 2023

Osaka, Japan, here they come!

The dynamic mother & daughter duo, Mallory & Diane, are teaming up with the American Academy of Dermatology for their fifth year of Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!™. We’re cheering them on during this 7-day trek across the Nakahechi section of the UNESCO-listed Kumano Kodo, taking place May 24-31, 2023!

100% of donations support skin cancer prevention. If you would like to donate, details can be found here or by scanning the QR code below. We appreciate all the support!