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What's New

Fall Letter 2024

MADFES DERMATOLOGY & AESTHETICS GROUP One East Sixty-Ninth Street New York, NY 10021 P 212.249.8118 Dear Patient, As we enter Fall, it is a wonderful time to visit the office....

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What's New The Future of Acne Treatment is Here! – AviClear™

AviClear™ is the first and only FDA-approved device for the treatment of mild to severe acne. This laser is suitable for all ages* and skin types (16 or older recommended). A series of three quick 30-minute sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart are done for best results! Studies have shown long-lasting clearance of acne with minimal to no downtime – patients may experience some swelling and redness post treatment, which will subside in a couple of hours. There is no need to stop your medications beforehand. The device is also equipped with skin cooling and sensory controls that maintain the skin’s temperature during treatment for a safe, tolerable, and comfortable experience. We advise patients to avoid sun exposure for 3 days afterwards (minimal exposure outside with SPF is allowed).

Please call our office at 212-249-8118 to schedule your consultation or appointment!